Maria to Maranatha

My mother, Maria, had a stroke a few years before our trip to Plains. Her health steadily declined after the stroke. We loved to take trips with the family and make memories. Mama’s health really didn’t allow us to continue week long trips to far destinations. So we began taking mini vacations on the weekends. We chose to go to Sunday School with Jimmy Carter! We spent the weekend exploring all things presidential. We took advantage of all of the photo ops.
On Sunday morning we arrived early to find a long line of people. We were able to get seated early due to mama’s mobility issues. We waited a good while but were so pleased for mama to be comfortable. The Sunday School lesson was great – you could tell this was not just for show but that the President’s faith was genuine. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to get a photo with President and Mrs. Carter. Mama loved telling everyone about that trip – it was for sure one of her favorites. This was also mama’s last trip, she passed away a few months later.

- Lisa Stanton


Love your neighbors

